Executive Committee
To execute Board policy and take action between Board meetings on such matters that much be addressed on an expedient basis. The Executive Committee possesses the full power and authority of the Board, except as may be provided by any resolution adopted by the Board.
Kevin Berg, Chair; Anita S. Duckor; Matt Halley; Mary Lydon; Mark Richards; Gabrielle Rohde; Kris Smyth; Jill Underdahl, CSJ; Jean Wincek, CSJ.
Development Committee
To direct, oversee, and assist as necessary in the establishment and implementation of fundraising programs capable of supporting the activities and goals of the Ministries Foundation and CSJ ministries.
Mark Richards, Chair; Kevin Berg; Matt Halley; Stacy Jacobson; Stephanie Klenk; Brian Mullen; Susan Oeffling, CSJ; Mimi Pizzi; Ralph Scorpio; Gabrielle Rohde.
Governance Committee
To ensure Board effectiveness, maximum participation and performance; to recommend new board members in a timely fashion; to ensure board and organization policies are being observed; to implement board development and growth opportunities throughout the year; to ensure all board members receive orientation; to recommend changes in the by-laws; and to annually recommend a slate of officers to the board for approval.
Anita S. Duckor, Chair; Kevin Berg; Beth Bird; Matt Halley; Stacy Jacobson; Jean Wincek, CSJ.
Marketing Committee
To increase donors, volunteers, supporters and contributions by educating, engaging and inviting the public to join the CSJ’s current work advancing education, healthcare, spirituality and social justice for all dear neighbors.
Gabrielle Rohde, Chair; Cheryl Behrent; Kevin Berg; Mary Connelly, CSJ; Kay Egan, CSJ; Matt Halley; Maya Missaghi; Mimi Pizzi; Kris Smyth.
Finance Committee
To review all financial matters of the Ministries Foundation and to make recommendations to the Board or to its Executive Committee on such financial matters.
Mary Lydon, Chair; Kevin Berg; Maria Bonnie; Matt Halley Steve Kenney; Brian Mallaro; Mike Quinlan; Jim Reetz; Catherine Mary Rosengren, CSJ; Ralph Scorpio.
Investment Subcommittee Members: Mary Lydon, Chair; Kevin Berg; Maria Bonnie; Julie Gerend; Matt Halley; Jack Hansen; Steve Kenney; Jim Reetz; Catherine Mary Rosengren, CSJ; Ralph Scorpio; Kris Smyth.